How Can a Psychiatrist Help with Anxiety?

by | Aug 7, 2023 | Anxiety, Blogs

If you’re dealing with anxiety, seeing a psychiatrist could really help you find relief and take back control of your life. Psychiatrists can prescribe medications like SSRIs and Benzodiazepines, which work to balance the chemicals in your brain and reduce your anxiety symptoms. They also offer therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy, which help you change how you respond to the things that trigger your anxiety.

This blend of medication and therapy can make a big difference, easing your symptoms and helping you feel more in control. With the right support, you can start to feel better and enjoy your daily life more.

Can a Psychiatrist Help Deal with Anxiety?

Psychiatry is the medical study that is concentrated on understanding behavior and emotional and mental disorders as well as diagnosing, treating, and preventing them. Someone who has completed the full studies in psychiatry is technically a medical doctor specializing in mental health.

With this background, a psychiatrist is one of the few people who have the professional skills required to help someone with anxiety deal, and hopefully get rid of, the condition.

Ways a Psychiatrist Can Help You Overcome Your Anxiety Problem

There are numerous options for the treatment of anxiety. Medication and psychotherapy are two of the most popular and effective ones. In fact, the combination of both has been found to provide the best relief.

1. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

More easily referred to as SSRIs, this is the usual first medication option that most psychiatrists go for when it comes to patients with anxiety. SSRIs increase the serotonin levels in one’s brain, which helps to regulate the appetite, digestion, mood, and sleep patterns.

2. Benzodiazepines

This type of drug works on anxiety by going for the Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid or GABA receptors in one’s brain. GABA affects how the human body responds to stress, so it has control over one’s feelings of anxiety and fear. This medication binds to the GABA receptors, which results in the slowing down of the central nervous system and consequently makes the patient feel calmer.

3. Psychotherapy

This is usually paired off with medication in the treatment of anxiety. The two methods of psychotherapies most commonly used are cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. The first one works by identifying and working on the person’s thoughts that either positively assist or worsen his or her anxiety symptoms. The latter entails the creation of a safe environment where the patient is exposed to the stimulus causing the anxiety. This weakens the negative association with the stimulus.

If you are suffering from anxiety, you do not have to live your whole life with that. With the help of trained professionals, you can work towards walking away from the helplessness that comes with this condition. Get in touch with us now and let us help you take control and enjoy your life more!

Anastasiya Palopoli
Written by Anastasiya Palopoli

Anastasiya Palopoli, a board-certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, has extensive experience in nursing and psychiatric care, with degrees in Nursing from UCF and Psychiatric Mental Health from the University of Cincinnati. Following a residency in General and Child Psychiatry in Florida, she specializes in treating Dementia, psychosis, depression, and anxiety through holistic approaches. Beyond her professional life, she enjoys hiking, tennis, and traveling with her family.